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Hyphenated American


Apr 20, 2024
I believe there are only 3 things that constitute an American and here they are,,,,,

1- Belief in God
2- Belief in the Constitution
3- Belief in the Bill of Rights

Everything else is bullshit and if you Hyphenate your American you are NOT American you are in fact some kind of Hybrid and not American.

Also to me America is a 3 legged stool=the seat is America and the 3 legs that hold it up are God, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights. Remove or mess with any of the legs and the stool don't sit right no more. just sayin is all and that is my humble opinion. Do you agree or Disagree?

We live in very awkward times.


May 9, 2024
I believe there are only 3 things that constitute an American and here they are,,,,,

1- Belief in God
2- Belief in the Constitution
3- Belief in the Bill of Rights

Everything else is bullshit and if you Hyphenate your American you are NOT American you are in fact some kind of Hybrid and not American.

Also to me America is a 3 legged stool=the seat is America and the 3 legs that hold it up are God, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights. Remove or mess with any of the legs and the stool don't sit right no more. just sayin is all and that is my humble opinion. Do you agree or Disagree?

We live in very awkward times.
Your three legged stool analogy is reasonable enough.

Which America do you mean?


Apr 20, 2024
The AMERICA that was founded by Christians for Christians. that AMERICA.
Just live with god and believe in the bill of rights and constitution and live by them ,then everything else will fix itself.


May 7, 2024
America was founded by multi faith people mostly including Deists, one of the core tenants being separation of church and state.

America was never created as a 'Christian country', you have zero basis of proof for yet another of your self absorbed narcissistic rants. The problem with Christianity is people like you turning others away from your misguided belief in your own faith.

Feel free to spend the rest of your years wallowing in self pity, you are and will remain an unlikeable cretin.


Apr 20, 2024
the Nina the Pinta and the Santa Maria,go look at the passengers and get back with me. ive not once called you a name or gotten nasty with you and I would like to point out that people just like you have banned me from almost every forum on the internet. you sir are most def. a communist and hater of freedom. Look at the authors of the Bill of Rights and the constitution of the USA, as one can clearly see its not very diverse. Seems to me one race and one religion wrote it all. I am sorry if the truth does not fit YOUR narrative.


May 7, 2024
the Nina the Pinta and the Santa Maria,go look at the passengers and get back with me. ive not once called you a name or gotten nasty with you and I would like to point out that people just like you have banned me from almost every forum on the internet. you sir are most def. a communist and hater of freedom. Look at the authors of the Bill of Rights and the constitution of the USA, as one can clearly see its not very diverse. Seems to me one race and one religion wrote it all. I am sorry if the truth does not fit YOUR narrative.
People like me have banned you? Bitch I used to run several free speech reddit chats and groups on Ruqqus when it was still around and I never banned anyone in my groups. I straight up created sub forums like 'reltih' appreciation groups as jokes.

The reason I don't like you? Unlike you I do not force my beliefs onto others or put them in a way that disparages others interests or self identity. I do not have to approve of or like what other people do but I in no way disrespect their individuality or autonomy unlike you.

And thinking I'm a communist? I'm a centrist and strongly disagree with both right and left wing ideologies and challenge and openly attack all extreme viewpoints that impose on others freedoms such as yours.

Also you might find - you never have to directly attack others to put them off or make them hate you, you manage to do this with just your default demenour and merely by existing and opening your stupid mouth / typing your dumb thoughts. Being incorrigibly dislikeable is your own fault.

Tell me why you think enforcing christianity onto everyone else would in anyway be beneficial and why you so arrogantly believe that non christians would not be offended to the point of needing to call you out and needing to challenge your lunacy? You pretty much believe in creating a Christian version of Sharia Law? Such as the society depicted within Handmaid's Tale?

I went into every such 'free speech / alt right' forum that has existed up to now to challenge the lunacy level of religious nutjobs like you, if you cant handle being called out or challenged on your ridiculous extreme take on your religion, then feel free to stop posting your views. People like you are what often lead to such places eventually being banned.


May 7, 2024
The people you mentioned in 'the passengers' info, those are the people that traded north america for south to the dutch and british colonies and eventually settled in modern day Brazil and such. The actual founding fathers of the US and its constitution were mostly non Christians, and separation of Church and State was one of the core tenants. If you so cravely desire a Christian nation to live in, Brazil exists for you to move to.


Apr 20, 2024
NOPE to everything you just wrote, I only want to live according to the bill of rights and constitution.
He is now using Saul Alinski tactics.
I could be wrong but I am willing to bet you are Vaccinated and wore the Mask?
Maybe a couple boosters?


May 7, 2024
NOPE to everything you just wrote, I only want to live according to the bill of rights and constitution.
He is now using Saul Alinski tactics.
I could be wrong but I am willing to bet you are Vaccinated and wore the Mask?
Maybe a couple boosters?
Nope. I got the first round of Pfizer vaccines then no more as the clinical data proved that the covid vaccines never worked. I have most of the regular vaccines prior to that using the tried and tested attenuated strain method.

The gene editing method used to rapidly develop the Covid Vaccine has proven to be ineffective and useless as usual when viruses mutate. The fact that Ching Chong Chinamen were ever allowed to operate viral testing and creation in the first place was just laughable and one of many faults of left wing lunatics applying trust in a country with literally zero moral compass when it comes to work requirements and pushing their workers beyond their brink, easily allowing for careless mistakes like 'whoopsie doopsie, I forgor to sanitise / sterilize myself before leaving the lab lol'.

Might as well let Afrikoon start a human cloning project or some shit next /not. They'd probably literally create more monkey human hybrids than they currently already have.

I wear a mask in general because Id rather use that rather than getting jabs for every flu shot, in fact I now wear a full male burka outside - a fishing hat with full face veil as a sun screen. I like my privacy and people not staring at or running away in horror when they see my face.


Apr 20, 2024
So i take that as a YES you did get vaxxed and wore the compliance MASK.
It in part helps me understand you.


Apr 20, 2024
May GOD Bless you all and remove the scales from your eyes and plugs from your ears. I hope to see and meet you all in heaven 1 day.


May 7, 2024
May GOD Bless you all and remove the scales from your eyes and plugs from your ears. I hope to see and meet you all in heaven 1 day.
Minor apologies for my outbursts against you in one of the other threads, I was using you as practice to spot and counter narcissists in real life. You most definitely do have NPD, but I can use you as I was previously doing on right wing forums to build up my defences if an IRL narc wants to try and destroy me or some such.

Narcs are drawn to people like me to turn into victims for their abuse, I spot them and fight them aggressively, that was what happened the two times I was arrested before my ASD diagnosis without any understanding at the time of personality disorders, they were able to manipulate the police against me as well. Issue being that most people in positions of power like police and doctors are narcs as well.

What I would do next time if it happens? Straight up snatch their phones out of their hands and break them in front of them. Straight up grab and twist their ears and force them to kneel if I have to.


Apr 20, 2024
I was never offended-we stand by our own words here and I like it like that. what you say and write here reflects on you not me. Plus you mistake confidence for arrogance and you mistake facts as opinions. always remember there is always 2 sides to a story but only 1 side to a fact.
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