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Epiphany of the end times.


Feb 4, 2021
My interpretation of the Bible. We'll have the rapture. Then the tribulation and the great tribulation. Jesus returns with the saints, those that died, and those that were raptured. Jesus rules the earth, with the saints, for a thousand years. Revelation says they, Jesus and the saints, will rule with an iron hand. Revelation 2:27.
Here's the good part. All the corrupt leaders that have gotten rich from stealing and killing will probably survive the seven years of tribulation. When they come out of their hole, vault, shelter, whatever, then they will be governed by good, moral, honest people. Those rat bastards will absolutely hate every minute of it. They will have to work like everyone else. They will have no authority over anything.


Sep 22, 2023
My interpretation of the Bible. We'll have the rapture. Then the tribulation and the great tribulation. Jesus returns with the saints, those that died, and those that were raptured. Jesus rules the earth, with the saints, for a thousand years. Revelation says they, Jesus and the saints, will rule with an iron hand. Revelation 2:27.
Here's the good part. All the corrupt leaders that have gotten rich from stealing and killing will probably survive the seven years of tribulation. When they come out of their hole, vault, shelter, whatever, then they will be governed by good, moral, honest people. Those rat bastards will absolutely hate every minute of it. They will have to work like everyone else. They will have no authority over anything.

Did you know that the rapture doctrine was never heard of in Christendom until the 1800s when a Scottish teen ager had a dream and preachers ascribed the rapture doctrine to it?


Jan 9, 2021
My interpretation of the Bible. We'll have the rapture. Then the tribulation and the great tribulation. Jesus returns with the saints, those that died, and those that were raptured. Jesus rules the earth, with the saints, for a thousand years. Revelation says they, Jesus and the saints, will rule with an iron hand. Revelation 2:27.
Here's the good part. All the corrupt leaders that have gotten rich from stealing and killing will probably survive the seven years of tribulation. When they come out of their hole, vault, shelter, whatever, then they will be governed by good, moral, honest people. Those rat bastards will absolutely hate every minute of it. They will have to work like everyone else. They will have no authority over anything.
Historic pretrib guy here.

My differences are mainly I don't see a rapture. The Church has to be here an gut it out.

I don't believe the unsaved survive into the Millennial Kingdom.


Jan 9, 2021
Best Eschatological discussion I have heard. BTW, the final state will be real as can be. You will have bodies. You will do work. We could have football. I said could. We don't know.

The earth is going to be radically, radically renovated. Watch the entire video. It is Edifying.

Jul 9, 2022
All that really matters is that you accept Jesus as your savior and all that goes along with it...............beyond that nothing else matters

The danger is in thinking that there will be a "warning" before the 2nd coming......This to me is the MOST DANGEROUS doctrine to the salvation of mankind, and therefore introduced by those to whom may be less than trustworthy.


Dec 9, 2020
All that really matters is that you accept Jesus as your savior and all that goes along with it...............beyond that nothing else matters

The danger is in thinking that there will be a "warning" before the 2nd coming......This to me is the MOST DANGEROUS doctrine to the salvation of mankind, and therefore introduced by those to whom may be less than trustworthy.
Aren't we being warned now with how the idealogs have taken over society? When we start seeing the decay of society right before our own eyes..and it is obvious..this is the sign imo. No?


Dec 9, 2020
All that really matters is that you accept Jesus as your savior and all that goes along with it...............beyond that nothing else matters

The danger is in thinking that there will be a "warning" before the 2nd coming......This to me is the MOST DANGEROUS doctrine to the salvation of mankind, and therefore introduced by those to whom may be less than trustworthy.
Too your point though..accept him and nothing else matters. We gotta be awake because we won't be told the time or place of his return
Jul 9, 2022
Aren't we being warned now with how the idealogs have taken over society? When we start seeing the decay of society right before our own eyes..and it is obvious..this is the sign imo. No?
Sure, but the same thing could have been said 100 years ago, or 50 years ago, or 600 years ago

The warning is continuous.

You have been so warned.

But that is not the point.

"The rapture" is not in the bible, and the "doctrine" was created by a man, named John Nelson Darby in reaction to a teenage girl and her "visions". The rapture and tribulation denote a clear timeline, which there cannot be. We are commanded by Jesus to be ready, at all times. If no one knows the day or hour, then how can there be a timeline?

200 years ago, if you would have brought this up, you would be laughed at, 500 years ago, you would be burned at the stake.
Jul 9, 2022
We gotta be awake because we won't be told the time or place of his return
Yes. The rapture doctrine tells a time. Jesus returning IS the apocalypse, the end, not the beginning.

Another question to ask yourself is:

What is the harm in being "pro-rapture" as oppsoed to "anti-rapture". Which has the ABILITY TO MAnKIND to be more dangerous?
Jul 9, 2022
Here is my prophecy:

Jesus will return, and those who have followed the guidance of John 3:16 will be with him and those who have not, will be be in a bad way.

This is the only prophecy that matters.

Can we all agree on that?
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